Gulf Shores, Orange Beach, Alabama Gulf Coast


Pastor Martin Glenn Henson
Solution-Focused Counseling offers help and support during your times of struggle or on an ongoing basis. Most people need help with life at one point or another; it's an inevitable consequence of living. Accepting that fact can lead a person to bigger and better things in a much shorter span of time than if they try to go it alone.
Healing Old Wounds - Nobody deserves to be holding on to hurt, no matter how far back in the past it lurks. Childhood trauma can haunt a person for life if it's never truly examined and talked about. Experiences with death or divorce keep us hurting for as long as we keep them hidden. A counselor works with you to resolve and heal emotional scars, likely preventing situations such as post-traumatic stress disorder from ever taking hold.
Starting New Ventures - Moving forward in life with any degree of success requires confidence. A string of failures in relationships or a career is reason enough for most people to think twice about jumping in again with both feet. Counseling helps to resolve issues by reflecting on their causes, and discussing how improvements can be made in the future, thus opening the door to new ventures in life. It enhances a person's natural coping mechanisms, facilitating greater success.
Dealing with Phobias, and Depression - It is all too easy to get a prescription for strong, potentially addictive medication these days. Nearly two million people are doing just that in North America alone. While drugs may conceal problems and help people make adjustments, they rarely solve underlying problems. Individual or family counseling provides real results and disasters which can arise from these conditions if they are left unresolved.
Every couple can expect to receive our heartfelt commitment to create and perform an unforgettable wedding ceremony. We will work with you to create a uniquely special wedding ceremony that reflects your feelings, beliefs, and lifestyle.
Couples who seek premarital counseling typically report that it helps to promote trust, honesty, and fairness in relationships. Online counseling sessions are private, convenient and more affordable than traditional counseling which is especially nice for engaged couples on a budget.
With approximately 45% of marriages in North America ending in divorce, there’s no doubt that marriage or a long-term relationship can be one of the toughest journeys in life.
Losing a loved one is devastating, and grief is not a one-size-fits-all process. Grief counselors understand the stages of mourning and are dedicated to helping individuals through the specific steps that are troubling them most.
At different times in our lives, we all find ourselves in need of someone to listen to us–someone to help us make sense of our lives and circumstances. At these times, it 's nice to know there is a safe place we can go to seek help and healing. Repeated studies have shown that the simple act of talking relieves stress and unburdens a person of their troubles. No matter what the situation, can avoid all kinds of negative outcomes, such as angry outbursts, breakups and resignations and even heart attacks.
If you are currently struggling to resolve disputes and one or both of you has expressed a fear that the relationship may have to end, consider a relationship counselor before you decide to pack your suitcase. Getting a divorce is nearly as easy as getting a cheeseburger at a drive-thru today. Unfortunately, this fact allows couples to give up on relationships that might have otherwise lasted a lifetime. Family counseling brings people together on the same page, and helps them face and solve problems, rather than avoid them. Talking and working through difficult issues teach people to be stronger, smarter and to persevere.
Solution-Focused Counseling is dedicated to your emotional and spiritual well-being and growth through biblical Christ-centered counseling.
Available by Appointment Only
Telephone, Online or In-Office
To request a private consultation, please complete the form below. Include a short message describing the area in which you are seeking help. For example, you can say anxiety, stress, depression, self-esteem, relationship, grief or other. This will give us a good starting point.
Oral Roberts University
1984 - Tulsa, OK - Bachelor of Arts
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
1987 - Springfield, MO - Master of Arts
General Council of Assemblies of God
1992 - Louisville, KY, Certificate of Ordination
American Association of Christian Counselors
Accredited Clinical Pastoral Care
Clinical Professional Edu - CPE - Pensacola, FL
Certified Hospice / Hospital Chaplain
Outstanding Young Men of America
1992 (Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 645-3612, pg. 309)